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We are a family company and we love lacrosse (and dogs). We play it, enjoy it, and create innovative products to celebrate this great sport.
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Oatmeal Pancake Recipe

Try this simple and healthy pancake recipe! It is low in sugar and low calorie! They have healthy fats instead of empty calories to help start the day.Running Sport

Bring back the simpler days when you could eat pancakes and watch cartoons without worrying about weight gain.

You Will Need:
-1/4 Cup Ground Quaker Oatmeal
– 1 Egg White
-1 Packet Sweetener
– 1/2 A Very Ripe Smashed Banana
– A Splash Of Water To Thin The Mix
* Blueberries, natural peanut butter, or any other ingredients for added flavor


  1. Mix oatmeal, water and egg whites until smooth.
  2. Mix in the smashed banana and any of the optional ingredients for flavor.
  3. Pour some mix into the middle of a hot, greased skillet.
  4. Wait for the pancakes to begin to bubble ( most likely under a minute ).
  5. Flip!
  6. Wait another another 30 seconds and serve. Enjoy!!!

Tell us how you liked the recipe, or send us pictures of what you made! OR any other thoughts, feelings comments! Leave them here, on Twitter @ChalkTalkSPORTS, or on Facebook.

Bon Appetit!

The post Healthy Pancake Recipe appeared first on ChalkTalkSPORTS Blog.